Advanced Computing Platform for Theoretical Physics

Commit 10ccad77 authored by Feng Feng's avatar Feng Feng
Browse files

update Apart

parent c09b1edc
......@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ namespace HepLib {
* @brief export expression file
* @param the input expression
* @param expr the input expression
* @param filename file name
* @return the file content in ex
* @file
* @brief Basic/Useful Functions
#include "BASIC.h"
namespace HepLib {
* @file
* @brief Class/Function for Process
#include "BASIC.h"
#include <fstream>
/* File: HepLib.i */
* @file
* @brief Wrap Class for SWIG
%module(directors="1") HepLib
%feature("director") MapFunction;
* @file
* @brief Wrap Class for SWIG
#include "HepLibW.h"
expr::expr() { _expr = 0; }
* @file
* @brief exfactor
#include "ginac/ex.h"
#include "ginac/numeric.h"
#include "ginac/operators.h"
......@@ -409,7 +409,44 @@ namespace HepLib::FC {
* @param vars_in independent variables
* @return sum of coefficient * ApartIR
ex Apart(const ex &expr_in, const lst &vars_in) {
ex Apart(const ex &expr_ino, const lst &vars_in, exmap sgnmap) {
// Apart on rational terms
if(!is_a<lst>(expr_ino)) {
auto cv_lst = mma_collect_lst(expr_ino, vars_in);
ex res = 0;
for(auto item : cv_lst) res += item.op(0) * Apart(lst{item.op(1)}, vars_in, sgnmap);
// fermat_normal
cv_lst = mma_collect_lst(res, ApartIR(w1,w2));
res = 0;
for(auto cv : cv_lst) res += fermat_normal(cv.op(0)) * cv.op(1);
// random check
lst nlst;
for(const_preorder_iterator i = res.preorder_begin(); i != res.preorder_end(); ++i) {
auto e = (*i);
if(is_a<symbol>(e) || is_a<Pair>(e)) nlst.append(e);
for(auto var : vars_in) nlst.append(var);
exmap nrepl;
auto pi = cln::nextprobprime(3);
for(auto ni : nlst) {
pi = cln::nextprobprime(pi+1);
nrepl[ni] = ex(1)/numeric(pi);
ex chk = ApartIR2ex(subs(res,nrepl))-subs(expr_ino,nrepl);
chk = normal(chk);
if(!is_zero(chk)) throw Error("Apart@1 random check Failed.");
return res;
// Apart on monomial term
if(expr_ino.nops()!=1) throw Error("Apart: wrong convention found!");
ex expr_in = expr_ino.op(0);
exmap map1, map2;
lst vars;
for(int i=0; i<vars_in.nops(); i++) {
......@@ -475,15 +512,15 @@ namespace HepLib::FC {
// consider sign
bool has_sgn = false;
for(auto v : vars) {
if(pc.has(iEpsilon) && key_exists(Apart_SignMap,iEpsilon)) { // iEpsilon first
ex sign = Apart_SignMap[iEpsilon]/pc.coeff(iEpsilon);
if(pc.has(iEpsilon) && key_exists(sgnmap,iEpsilon)) { // iEpsilon first
ex sign = sgnmap[iEpsilon]/pc.coeff(iEpsilon);
pref /= pow(sign, nc);
pc *= sign;
has_sgn = true;
} else {
if(is_zero(pc.coeff(v)) || !key_exists(Apart_SignMap,v.subs(map2))) continue;
ex sign = Apart_SignMap[v.subs(map2)]/pc.coeff(v);
if(is_zero(pc.coeff(v)) || !key_exists(sgnmap,v.subs(map2))) continue;
ex sign = sgnmap[v.subs(map2)]/pc.coeff(v);
pref /= pow(sign, nc);
pc *= sign;
has_sgn = true;
......@@ -542,8 +579,9 @@ namespace HepLib::FC {
auto expr = expr_in;
lst sps;
exmap sgnmap;
for(auto li : loops) {
Apart_SignMap[SP(li)] = -1;
sgnmap[SP(li)] = -1;
for(auto li2: loops) {
auto item = SP(li, li2).subs(SP_map);
if(is_a<Pair>(item)) sps.append(item);
......@@ -560,7 +598,7 @@ namespace HepLib::FC {
auto cv_lst = mma_collect_lst(expr, loops);
ex res = 0;
for(auto item : cv_lst) {
res += item.op(0) * Apart(item.op(1), sps);
res += item.op(0) * Apart(lst{item.op(1)}, sps, sgnmap);
// fermat_normal
......@@ -585,7 +623,7 @@ namespace HepLib::FC {
ex chk = ApartIR2ex(subs(res,nrepl))-subs(expr_in,nrepl);
chk = normal(chk);
if(!is_zero(chk)) throw Error("Apart random check Failed.");
if(!is_zero(chk)) throw Error("Apart@2 random check Failed.");
return res;
......@@ -615,7 +653,7 @@ namespace HepLib::FC {
for(int c=0; c<cc; c++) mat(r,c) = mat0(r,c);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
mat(i,cc) = (key_exists(Apart_SignMap,e.op(1).op(i)) ? Apart_SignMap[e.op(1).op(i)] : 1);
mat(i,cc) = 1;
auto r = mat.rank();
if(r==n) break;
if(r==cc+1) cc++;
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ namespace HepLib::FC {
extern const Symbol nL;
extern const Symbol nH;
extern exmap SP_map;
extern exmap Apart_SignMap;
extern int form_trace_mode;
extern const int form_trace_all;
......@@ -312,7 +311,7 @@ namespace HepLib::FC {
ex form(const ex &expr, int verb=0);
ex TIR(const ex &expr_in, const lst &loop_ps, const lst &ext_ps);
ex MatrixContract(const ex & expr_in);
ex Apart(const ex &expr_in, const lst &vars);
ex Apart(const ex &expr_in, const lst &vars, exmap sgnmap={});
ex Apart(const ex &expr_in, const lst &loops, const lst & extmoms);
ex ApartIR2ex(const ex & expr_in);
ex ApartIR2F(const ex & expr_in);
......@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ namespace HepLib {
const Symbol FC::nH("nH");;
exmap FC::SP_map;
exmap FC::Apart_SignMap;
map<ex,string,ex_is_less> Qgraf::LineTeX; // key is the filed
map<ex,string,ex_is_less> Qgraf::VerTeX; // key is the fileds in vertex
map<ex,string,ex_is_less> Qgraf::InOutTeX; // key is the id, id<0
......@@ -664,6 +664,7 @@ namespace HepLib::Qgraf {
* @param qi anti-quark qgraf index
* @param p anti-quark momentum vector
* @param m anti-quark mass
* @param color true for QCD, false for QED
* @return anti-Quark summation
ex AntiQuarkSumL(int qi, ex p, ex m, bool color) {
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