Advanced Computing Platform for Theoretical Physics

Commit ca716f2a authored by Lei Wang's avatar Lei Wang
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added eigenvector grad to py

parent 44c1245d
Three different ways of computing gradient of infinite matrix product trace
Different ways of computing gradient of infinite matrix product trace
Z = Tr(T*T...*T)
......@@ -34,5 +34,9 @@ loss = torch.log(w[-1])
exact_grad = ((T.grad + T.grad.t())/2) # need to symmetrize since it is an upper triangular matrix
# (4) use leading eigenvector of the transfer matrix $T$
eigenvector_grad= torch.ger(v[:,-1], v[:, -1])/w[-1] # outer product of the leading eigenvector and its transpose
print ((impurity_grad-exact_grad).abs().max().item())
print ((lnZ_grad-exact_grad).abs().max().item())
print ((eigenvector_grad-exact_grad).abs().max().item())
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