Advanced Computing Platform for Theoretical Physics

Commit 7df85001 authored by Maximilian Soelch's avatar Maximilian Soelch
Browse files

add function to slice in variable dimension

parent 9141238a
......@@ -261,6 +261,55 @@ def empty_with_views(shapes, empty_func=np.empty):
return flat, views
def arbitrary_slice(arr, start, stop=None, axis=0):
"""Return a slice from `start` to `stop` in dimension `axis` of array `arr`.
arr : array_like
Can be numpy ndarray, hdf5 dataset, or list.
If ``arr`` is a list, ``axis`` must be 0.
start : int
Index at which to start slicing.
stop : int, optional [default: None]
Index at which to stop slicing.
If not specified, the axis is sliced until its end.
axis : int, optional [default: 0]
Axis along which should be sliced
slice : array_like
The respective slice of ``arr``
if type(arr) is list:
if axis == 0:
return arr[start:stop]
raise ValueError("Cannot slice a list in non-zero axis {}"
n_axes = len(arr.shape)
if axis >= n_axes:
raise IndexError('Argument `axis` with value {} out of range. '
'Must be smaller than rank {} of `arr`.'
.format(axis, n_axes))
this_slice = [slice(None) for _ in range(n_axes)]
this_slice[axis] = slice(start, stop)
return arr[tuple(this_slice)]
def minibatches(arr, batch_size, d=0):
"""Return a list of views of the given arr.
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