Advanced Computing Platform for Theoretical Physics

Commits (9)
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ JLD = "4138dd39-2aa7-5051-a626-17a0bb65d9c8"
KrylovKit = "0b1a1467-8014-51b9-945f-bf0ae24f4b77"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
LogExpFunctions = "2ab3a3ac-af41-5b50-aa03-7779005ae688"
OMEinsum = "ebe7aa44-baf0-506c-a96f-8464559b3922"
Parameters = "d96e819e-fc66-5662-9728-84c9c7592b0a"
PhysModels = "1ff164ad-7f5d-45f3-982a-6d162405c7c1"
Printf = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7"
using StatsFuns, ChainRules
""" `symeigen` : manually symmetrize M before the eigen decomposition
For CUDA dense matrix eigen solver `CUSOLVER.syevd!` and `CUSOLVER.heevd!`:
'N'/'V': return eigenvalues/both eigenvalues and eigenvectors
'U'/'L': Upper/Lower triangle of `M` is stored.
function symeigen(M::AbstractMatrix)
e, v = M |> symmetrize |> eigen
return e, v
`ln(Tr[exp(A)])` function
function logtrexp(A::AbstractMatrix)
val, _ = symeigen(A)
return logsumexp(val)
rrule for logtrexp function, eltype(M) <: Real
function ChainRules.rrule(::typeof(logtrexp), M::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:Real
e, v = symeigen(M)
y = logsumexp(e)
function logtrexp_pullback()
Λ = map(x->exp(x-y), e)
∂y_∂M = v * diagm(Λ) * v' |> transpose
= * ∂y_∂M
return ChainRules.NoTangent(),
return y, logtrexp_pullback
......@@ -5,13 +5,19 @@ using Parameters, Reexport
using SparseArrays
using LinearAlgebra, KrylovKit
using Random; Random.seed!()
using CUDA; CUDA.allowscalar(false)
using OMEinsum
import LinearAlgebra:Eigen
@reexport import LinearAlgebra:Eigen, diagm
using PhysModels
export Operator
export Device, CPU, GPU,
cpu_solver, gpu_solver
export replicate,
......@@ -38,10 +44,20 @@ export Full_ED,
export TraceEstimator
export TraceEstimator #, evaluate
#export partitian,
# free_energy,
# energy,
# specific_heat,
# entropy,
# thermal_average
......@@ -64,29 +64,33 @@ Base.hcat(ortho_basis::Nothing, v) = v
function itFOLM(M, ortho_basis::T;
Nk::Int = 50) where T<:Union{Nothing, AbstractArray}
Nm = size(M, 1)
Ns = size(M, 1)
if T <: Nothing
Ne = 0
elseif T <: AbstractVector
Ne = 1
Ne = size(ortho_basis)[2]
Ne = size(ortho_basis,2)
Nk = min(Nk, Nm - Ne)
dv, ev = zeros(Nk), zeros(Nk - 1)
Nk = min(Nk, Ns - Ne)
if Nk == 0
return itFOLMResult(init_vector, SymTridiagonal([0.], [0.]), zeros(Ns,1))
dv, ev = zeros(Nk), zeros(Nk - 1)
w = icgs(init_vector, ortho_basis); w = w/norm(w)
for i = 1 : Nk
ortho_basis = hcat(ortho_basis, w) #mind the order
r = M * w
dv[i] = w' * r
r = icgs(r, ortho_basis)
b = norm(r)
w = r/b
if i < Nk ev[i] = b end
w = icgs(init_vector, ortho_basis); w = w/norm(w)
for i = 1 : Nk
ortho_basis = hcat(ortho_basis, w) #mind the order
r = M * w
dv[i] = w' * r
r = icgs(r, ortho_basis)
b = norm(r)
w = r/b
if i < Nk ev[i] = b end
return itFOLMResult(init_vector, SymTridiagonal(dv, ev), ortho_basis[:, Ne+1:end]) #mind the order
return itFOLMResult(init_vector, SymTridiagonal(dv, ev), ortho_basis[:, Ne+1:end]) #mind the order
itFOLM(M; init_vector::AbstractVector, Nk::Int = 50) = itFOLM(M, nothing, init_vector = init_vector, Nk = Nk)
......@@ -26,30 +26,42 @@ end
`Nr`: number of random sampling
`Nk`: dimension of Krylov subspace
`Ne`: number of exact eigen states used
`which`: order of eigenvalues, default = :SR,
where `:SR` means smallest real part and `:LR` means largest real part.
@with_kw struct FTLMOptions{Tf<:Function, Tn<:Integer}
distr::Tf = Rademacher
@with_kw struct FTLMOptions{Tdistr<:Function,
distr::Tdistr = Rademacher
Nr::Tn = 100
Nk::Tn = 50
Ne::Tn = 10
which::Symbol = :SR
device::Tdevice = CPU
Full exact diagonalization method
function Full_ED(M, expr::Vararg{Function,N};
function Full_ED(M, expr::Vararg{T,N};
options::FTLMOptions = FTLMOptions()
) where {N}
) where {T<:Function, N}
@unpack device = options
solver = solver_function(device)
M = solver(x->x, M)
val, _ = eigensolver(M)
func = f -> map(e->f(e), val) |> sum
return map(func, expr)
function Full_ED(M, Op::Vararg{Operator,N};
function Full_ED(M, Op::Vararg{T,N};
) where {N}
) where {T<:Operator, N, Te<:Function}
@unpack device = options
solver = solver_function(device)
M = solver(x->x, M)
val, vec = eigensolver(M)
Z = map(expr, val) |> sum
f = x -> map((i -> expr(val[i]) * vec[:,i]' * x.O * vec[:,i]), 1:length(val)) |> sum
......@@ -61,14 +73,18 @@ end
Simple FTLM algorithom, where `M` is required to be hermitian.
function simple_FTLM(M, expr::Vararg{Function,N};
function simple_FTLM(M, expr::Vararg{T,N};
options::FTLMOptions = FTLMOptions()
) where {N}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk = options
) where {T<:Function, N}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk, device = options
solver = solver_function(device)
M = solver(x->x, M)
Ns = size(M, 1)
res = Tuple(zeros(N))
res = zeros(N)
for r = 1: Nr
v0 = random_unit_vector(Ns, distr)
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
@unpack values, weight = itFOLM(M, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
func = f -> map((e,w)->f(e)* w * w', values, weight) |> sum
res = map(+, res, map(func, expr))
......@@ -76,16 +92,20 @@ function simple_FTLM(M, expr::Vararg{Function,N};
return map(x -> x * Ns/Nr, res)
function simple_FTLM(M, Op::Vararg{Operator,N};
function simple_FTLM(M, Op::Vararg{T,N};
options::FTLMOptions = FTLMOptions()
) where {N}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk = options
) where {T<:Operator,N,Te<:Function}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk, device = options
solver = solver_function(device)
M = solver(x->x, M)
Ns = size(M,1)
res = Tuple(zeros(N))
res = zeros(N)
Z = 0.0
for r = 1: Nr
v0 = random_unit_vector(Ns, distr)
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
@unpack weight, values, vectors = itFOLM(M, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
Z += map((e,w)-> expr(e) * w * w', values, weight) |> sum
operator_average = x -> begin
......@@ -102,20 +122,26 @@ end
Replaced FTLM algorithom
function replaced_FTLM(M, expr::Vararg{Function,N};
function replaced_FTLM(M, expr::Vararg{T,N};
options::FTLMOptions = FTLMOptions()
) where {N}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk, Ne = options
) where {T<:Function,N}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk, Ne, device, which = options
solver = solver_function(device)
M = solver(x->x, M)
Ns = size(M, 1)
res = Tuple(zeros(N))
res = zeros(N)
Ne = min(Ne, Ns-1)
evals, evecs, _ = eigsolve(M, Ns, Ne, :SR, ishermitian = true)
Ne = min(Ne, Ns)
krylovdim = max(30, Ne+1)
evals, evecs, _ = eigsolve(M, Ns, Ne, which, ishermitian = true, krylovdim=krylovdim)
evals = evals[1:Ne]
evecs = hcat(evecs[1:Ne]...)
Nk = max(Nk, Ne)
for r = 1: Nr
v0 = random_unit_vector(Ns, distr)
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
@unpack weight, values = itFOLM(M, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
values = vcat(evals, values[Ne+1:end])
eweight = map(i-> v0' * evecs[:,i], 1:Ne)
......@@ -128,22 +154,28 @@ function replaced_FTLM(M, expr::Vararg{Function,N};
function replaced_FTLM(M, Op::Vararg{Operator,N};
function replaced_FTLM(M, Op::Vararg{T,N};
) where {N}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk, Ne = options
) where {T<:Operator,N,Te<:Function}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk, Ne, device, which = options
solver = solver_function(device)
M = solver(x->x, M)
Ns = size(M, 1)
res = Tuple(zeros(N))
res = zeros(N)
Ne = min(Ne, Ns-1)
evals, evecs, _ = eigsolve(M, Ns, Ne, :SR, ishermitian = true)
Ne = min(Ne, Ns)
krylovdim = max(30, Ne+1)
evals, evecs, _ = eigsolve(M, Ns, Ne, which, ishermitian = true, krylovdim=krylovdim)
evals = evals[1:Ne]
evecs = hcat(evecs[1:Ne]...)
Z = 0.0
Nk = max(Nk, Ne)
for r = 1: Nr
v0 = random_unit_vector(Ns, distr)
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
@unpack weight, values, vectors = itFOLM(M, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
values = vcat(evals, values[Ne+1:end])
vectors = hcat(evecs, vectors[:, Ne+1:end])
......@@ -166,37 +198,46 @@ end
Orthogonalized FTLM algorithom
`M`: Symmetric matrix
function orthogonalized_FTLM(M, expr::Vararg{Function,N};
function orthogonalized_FTLM(M, expr::Vararg{T,N};
) where {N}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk, Ne = options
) where {T<:Function,N}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk, Ne, device, which = options
solver = solver_function(device)
M = solver(x->x, M)
Ns = size(M, 1)
Ne = min(Ne, Ns-1)
evals, evecs, _ = eigsolve(M, Ns, Ne, :SR, ishermitian = true)
Ne = min(Ne, Ns)
krylovdim = max(30, Ne+1)
evals, evecs, _ = eigsolve(M, Ns, Ne, which, ishermitian = true, krylovdim=krylovdim)
evals = evals[1:Ne]
evecs = hcat(evecs[1:Ne]...)
func1 = f -> map(e->f(e), evals) |> sum
res1 = map(func1, expr)
res2 = Tuple(zeros(N))
res2 = zeros(N)
for r = 1: Nr
v0 = random_unit_vector(Ns, distr)
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
@unpack weight, values = itFOLM(M, evecs, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
func2 = f -> map((e,w)->f(e)* w * w', values, weight) |> sum
res2 = map(+, res2, map(func2, expr))
return map((x1, x2) -> x1 + x2 * Ns/Nr, res1, res2)
return map((x1, x2) -> x1 + x2 * (Ns-Ne)/Nr, res1, res2)
function orthogonalized_FTLM(M, Op::Vararg{Operator,N};
function orthogonalized_FTLM(M, Op::Vararg{T,N};
) where {N}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk, Ne = options
) where {T<:Operator,N,Te<:Function}
@unpack distr, Nr, Nk, Ne, device, which = options
solver = solver_function(device)
M = solver(x->x, M)
Ns = size(M, 1)
Ne = min(Ne, Ns-1)
evals, evecs, _ = eigsolve(M, Ns, Ne, :SR, ishermitian = true)
Ne = min(Ne, Ns)
krylovdim = max(30, Ne+1)
evals, evecs, _ = eigsolve(M, Ns, Ne, which, ishermitian = true, krylovdim=krylovdim)
evals = evals[1:Ne]
evecs = hcat(evecs[1:Ne]...)
......@@ -205,9 +246,10 @@ function orthogonalized_FTLM(M, Op::Vararg{Operator,N};
res1 = map(func1, Op)
Z2 = 0.0
res2 = Tuple(zeros(N))
res2 = zeros(N)
for r = 1: Nr
v0 = random_unit_vector(Ns, distr)
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
@unpack weight, values, vectors = itFOLM(M, evecs, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
Z2 += map((e,w)-> expr(e) * w * w', values, weight) |> sum
operator_average = x -> begin
......@@ -216,71 +258,59 @@ function orthogonalized_FTLM(M, Op::Vararg{Operator,N};
res2 = map(+, res2, map(operator_average, Op))
Z = Z1 + Z2 * Ns/Nr
return map((x1, x2) -> x1/Z + x2/Z * Ns/Nr, res1, res2)
Z = Z1 + Z2 * (Ns-Ne)/Nr
return map((x1, x2) -> (x1 + x2*(Ns-Ne)/Nr)/Z, res1, res2)
Full sampling simple_FTLM
function FullSampling_FTLM(M, expr::Vararg{Function,N};
function FullSampling_FTLM(M, expr::Vararg{T,N};
options::FTLMOptions = FTLMOptions()
) where {N}
ortho_basis = basis_generate(Ns)
@unpack Nk, Ne = options
) where {T<:Function,N}
Ns = size(M, 1)
Ne = min(Ne, Ns-1)
evals, evecs, _ = eigsolve(M, Ns, Ne, :SR, ishermitian = true)
evals = evals[1:Ne]
evecs = hcat(evecs[1:Ne]...)
func1 = f -> map(e->f(e), evals) |> sum
res1 = map(func1, expr)
ortho_basis = basis_generate(Ns)
@unpack Nk, which, device = options
solver = solver_function(device)
M = solver(x->x, M)
#Full FullSampling_FTLM
res2 = Tuple(zeros(N))
res = zeros(N)
for i = 1: Ns
v0 = ortho_basis[:, i]
@unpack weight, values = itFOLM(M, evecs, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
@unpack weight, values = itFOLM(M, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
func2 = f -> map((e,w)->f(e)* w * w', values, weight) |> sum
res2 = map(+, res2, map(func2, expr))
res = map(+, res, map(func2, expr))
return map(+, res1, res2)
return res
function FullSampling_FTLM(M, Op::Vararg{Operator,N};
function FullSampling_FTLM(M, Op::Vararg{T,N};
options::FTLMOptions = FTLMOptions()
) where {N}
ortho_basis = basis_generate(Ns)
@unpack Nk, Ne = options
) where {T<:Operator,N,Te<:Function}
Ns = size(M, 1)
Ne = min(Ne, Ns-1)
evals, evecs, _ = eigsolve(M, Ns, Ne, :SR, ishermitian = true)
evals = evals[1:Ne]
evecs = hcat(evecs[1:Ne]...)
Z1 = map(func, evals) |> sum
func1 = x -> map((i -> expr(evals[i]) * evecs[:,i]' * x.O * evecs[:,i]), 1:length(evals)) |> sum
res1 = map(func1, Op)
ortho_basis = basis_generate(Ns)
@unpack Nk, which, device = options
solver = solver_function(device)
M = solver(x->x, M)
Z2 = 0.0
res2 = Tuple(zeros(N))
Z = 0.0
res = zeros(N)
for i = 1: Ns
v0 = ortho_basis[:, i]
@unpack weight, values, vectors = itFOLM(M, evecs, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
Z2 += map((e,w)-> expr(e) * w * w', values, weight) |> sum
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
@unpack weight, values, vectors = itFOLM(M, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
Z += map((e,w)-> expr(e) * w * w', values, weight) |> sum
operator_average = x -> begin
weight2 = map(i -> v0' * x.O * vectors[:,i], 1:Nk)
return map((e, w1, w2)-> expr(e)* w1 * w2, val, weight, weight2) |> sum
res2 = map(+, res2, map(operator_average, Op))
res = map(+, res, map(operator_average, Op))
Z = Z1 + Z2
return map((x1, x2) -> x1/Z + x2/Z, res1, res2)
return map(x -> x/Z, res)
#end #module methods
......@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
function evaluate(method::TraceEstimator, M, expr::Vararg{Function,N}) where {N}
function evaluate(method::TraceEstimator, M, expr::Vararg{T,N}) where {T<:Function,N}
@unpack estimator, options = method
return estimator(M, expr, options=options)
return estimator(M, expr..., options=options)
function evaluate(method::TraceEstimator, M, Op::Vararg{Operator,N}; expr::Function) where {N}
function evaluate(method::TraceEstimator, M, Op::Vararg{T,N}; expr::Te) where {T<:Operator,N,Te<:Function}
@unpack estimator, options = method
return estimator(M, Op, expr = expr, options=method.options)
return estimator(M, Op..., expr = expr, options=method.options)
......@@ -20,4 +20,24 @@ function eigensolver(M::T; which::Symbol = :SR, kwargs...) where T<:AbstractSpar
return Eigen(val, vec)
for elty in (:Float32, :Float64)
eigensolver for CuMatrix
For CUDA dense matrix eigen solver `CUSOLVER.syevd!` and `CUSOLVER.heevd!`:
'N'/'V': return eigenvalues/both eigenvalues and eigenvectors
'U'/'L': Upper/Lower triangle of `M` is stored.
@eval eigensolver(M::CuMatrix{$elty}) = CUSOLVER.syevd!('V', 'U', copy(M))
for elty in (:ComplexF32, :ComplexF64)
eigensolver for CuMatrix
For CUDA dense matrix eigen solver `CUSOLVER.syevd!` and `CUSOLVER.heevd!`:
'N'/'V': return eigenvalues/both eigenvalues and eigenvectors
'U'/'L': Upper/Lower triangle of `M` is stored.
@eval eigensolver(M::CuArray{$elty}) = CUSOLVER.heevd!('V', 'U', copy(M))
@enum Device CPU GPU
function cpu_solver end
function gpu_solver end
function solver_function(d::Device)
d == CPU ? (return cpu_solver) : (return cpu_solver)
function cpu_solver(f::Function, M::AbstractArray...)
M = map(x->convert(Array, x), M)
return f(M...)
function gpu_solver(f::Function, M::AbstractArray...)
M = map(x->convert(CuArray, x), M)
return f(M...)
......@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ macro replicate(ex, n)
return :(map(_ -> $(esc(ex)), 1:$(esc(n))))
diagm(v) function for CuVector
LinearAlgebra.diagm(v::CuVector) = ein"i->ii"(v)
Symmetrize a matrix `M`
using Test, FiniteTLanczos
using LinearAlgebra
using LinearAlgebra, Parameters
using Random; Random.seed!()
solver = solver_function(device)
@testset "icgs algorithm" begin
N = 256
ortho = Vector{Bool}(undef, N-1)
for dist in [Gaussian, Rademacher, rand]
Q = random_unit_vector(N, dist)
Q = solver(x->x, Q)
for i = 1:N-1
v = rand(N); v = v/norm(v)
v = solver(x->x, v)
u = icgs(v, Q)
u = u/norm(u)
#test Orthogonality
......@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ using Random; Random.seed!()
Q = hcat(Q, u)
@test all(ortho)
@test Q' * Q Matrix(1.0I, N, N)
@test Q' * Q solver(x->x, Matrix(1.0I, N, N))
......@@ -26,31 +29,35 @@ end
@testset "itFOLM algorithm" begin
N = 256; Nv = 10
A = randn(N, N) |> symmetrize
val, vec = eigensolver(A)
A = solver(x->x, A)
vals, vecs = eigensolver(A)
for dist in [Gaussian, Rademacher, rand]
v0 = random_unit_vector(N, dist)
res1 = itFOLM(A, init_vector = v0, ncv = N)
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
res1 = itFOLM(A, init_vector = v0, Nk = N)
e1, v1 = eigensolver(res1.symtridiagonal)
@test res1.symtridiagonal res1.krylov_basis' * A * res1.krylov_basis
@test e1 val
@test Matrix(res1.symtridiagonal) Matrix(res1.krylov_basis' * A * res1.krylov_basis)
@test solver(x->x, e1) vals
for Nv in [1, 10]
res2 = itFOLM(A, vec[:,1:Nv], init_vector = v0, ncv = N)
res2 = itFOLM(A, vecs[:,1:Nv], init_vector = v0, Nk = N)
e2, v2 = eigensolver(res2.symtridiagonal)
@test res2.symtridiagonal res2.krylov_basis' * A * res2.krylov_basis
@test e2 val[Nv+1 : end]
@test Matrix(res2.symtridiagonal) Matrix(res2.krylov_basis' * A * res2.krylov_basis)
@test e2 Vector(vals)[Nv+1 : end]
@testset "itFOLMResult weight: <v0|ψ> " begin
N = 256; Ncv = 100
N = 256; Nk = 100
A = randn(N, N) |> symmetrize
A = solver(x->x, A)
for dist in [Gaussian, Rademacher, rand]
v0 = random_unit_vector(N, dist)
res = itFOLM(A, init_vector = v0, ncv = Ncv) |> eigensolver
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
res = itFOLM(A, init_vector = v0, Nk = Nk) |> eigensolver
Q1 = res.weight
Q2 = res.init_vector' * res.vectors |> transpose
@test Q1 Q2
......@@ -58,23 +65,24 @@ end
@testset "Full Rank itFOLM generate eigenvalues and eigenvectors" begin
@testset "Full Rank itFOLM generate exact eigen pairs" begin
N = 100
R = 100
RandM = rand(N, N) |> symmetrize
val, vec = eigensolver(RandM)
A = rand(N, N) |> symmetrize
A = solver(x->x, A)
vals, vecs = eigensolver(A)
for dist in [Gaussian, Rademacher, rand]
iseigenval = Vector{Bool}(undef, R)
iseigenvec = Vector{Bool}(undef, R)
for r=1:R
iseigenval = Vector{Bool}(undef, N)
iseigenvec = Vector{Bool}(undef, N)
for r = 1:N
v0 = random_unit_vector(N, dist)
res = itFOLM(RandM, init_vector = v0, ncv = N) |> eigensolver
kval = res.values
kvec = res.vectors
iseigenval[r] = (val kval)
iseigenvec[r] = (kvec * diagm(kval) * kvec' RandM)
v0 = solver(x->x, v0)
res = itFOLM(A, init_vector = v0, Nk = N) |> eigensolver
@unpack values, vectors = res
iseigenval[r] = (vals values)
iseigenvec[r] = (vectors * diagm(values) * vectors' A)
@test all(iseigenval)
@test all(iseigenvec)
\ No newline at end of file
using Test, FiniteTLanczos
using LinearAlgebra, KrylovKit, LogExpFunctions
using LinearAlgebra, KrylovKit, LogExpFunctions, Parameters
using Random; Random.seed!()
solver = solver_function(device)
function logtrexp(A::AbstractMatrix)
val, _ = eigensolver(A)
return logsumexp(val)
function logtrexp(M::AbstractMatrix)
vals, _ = eigensolver(M)
return logsumexp(vals)
function logtrexp(M, method::Function)
function logtrexp(M, estimator::TraceEstimator)
e0, _, _ = eigsolve(M, size(M,1), 1, :LR, ishermitian = true)
e0 = e0[1]
expr = e -> exp(e .- e0)
res = method(M, expr)[1]
@unpack estimator, options = estimator
options = FTLMOptions(options, which = :LR)
res = FiniteTLanczos.evaluate(TraceEstimator(estimator, options), M, expr)[1]
return log(res) + e0
N = 256
M = rand(N, N) |> symmetrize
M = solver(x->x, M)
options = FTLMOptions()
rtol = 0.01
log_trexp = logtrexp(M)
@testset "Full_ED method" begin
estimator = TraceEstimator(Full_ED, FTLMOptions(FTLMOptions(), device = device))
res = logtrexp(M, estimator)
@test res log_trexp
ftlm_function = (M, expr) -> simple_FTLM(M,expr, options=options)
rftlm_function = (M, expr) -> replaced_FTLM(M, expr, options=options)
oftlm_function = (M, expr) -> replaced_FTLM(M, expr, options = options)
@testset "simple_FTLM method" begin
Ns = size(M,1)
options = FTLMOptions(FTLMOptions(), Nk=Ns, device = device)
estimator = TraceEstimator(FullSampling_FTLM, options)
res = logtrexp(M, estimator)
@test res log_trexp
y0 = logtrexp(M)
y_fed = logtrexp(M, Full_ED)
y_fslm = logtrexp(M, FullSampling_FTLM)
y_ftlm = logtrexp(M, ftlm_function)
y_rftlm = logtrexp(M, rftlm_function)
y_oftlm = logtrexp(M, oftlm_function)
options = FTLMOptions(FTLMOptions(), device = device)
estimator = TraceEstimator(simple_FTLM, options)
res = logtrexp(M, estimator)
@testset "Full_ED" begin
@test y_fed == y0
@unpack Nr = options
rtol = 1/sqrt(min(Nr, Ns))
@test (res, log_trexp, rtol = rtol)
@testset "FullSampling_FTLM" begin
@test y_fslm y0
@testset "orthogonalized_FTLM method" begin
Ns = size(M,1)
options = FTLMOptions(FTLMOptions(), Ne = Ns , device = device)
estimator = TraceEstimator(orthogonalized_FTLM, options)
res = logtrexp(M, estimator)
@test res log_trexp
@testset "simple_FTLM" begin
@test (y_ftlm, y0, rtol = rtol)
for Ne in [1, div(Ns,3), div(Ns,2), Ns-1]
options = FTLMOptions(FTLMOptions(), Ne = Ne, device = device)
estimator = TraceEstimator(orthogonalized_FTLM, options)
res = logtrexp(M, estimator)
@testset "replaced_FTLM" begin
@test (y_rftlm, y0, rtol = rtol)
@unpack Nr = options
rtol = 1/Nr
@test (res, log_trexp, rtol = rtol)
@testset "orthogonalized_FTLM" begin
@test (y_oftlm, y0, rtol = rtol)
@testset "replaced_FTLM method" begin
Ns = size(M,1)
options = FTLMOptions(FTLMOptions(), Ne = Ns , device = device)
estimator = TraceEstimator(replaced_FTLM, options)
res = logtrexp(M, estimator)
@test (res, log_trexp, rtol = 0.1)
for Ne in [1, div(Ns,3), div(Ns,2), Ns-1]
options = FTLMOptions(FTLMOptions(), Ne = Ne, device = device)
estimator = TraceEstimator(replaced_FTLM, options)
res = logtrexp(M, estimator)
@unpack Nr = options
rtol = 1/sqrt(min(Nr, Ns))
@test (res, log_trexp, rtol = rtol)
using Test, FiniteTLanczos
device = CPU
@testset "FullOrthoLanczos.jl" begin
@testset "GeneralFTLM.jl" begin
\ No newline at end of file
using CUDA; CUDA.allowscalar(false)
using Test, FiniteTLanczos
device = GPU
@testset "FullOrthoLanczos.jl" begin
@testset "GeneralFTLM.jl" begin
\ No newline at end of file
using Test
using FiniteTLanczos
using Random; Random.seed!()
using Test, FiniteTLanczos
@testset "cpu_test.jl" begin
@testset "gpu_test.jl" begin