Advanced Computing Platform for Theoretical Physics

Commits (12)
using LinearAlgebra; BLAS.set_num_threads(Threads.nthreads())
using TimerOutputs, Dates, ArgParse
using DelimitedFiles, HDF5, Printf
using JuliaCMPO
using JuliaCMPO, FiniteTLanczos
println("JULIA_NUM_THREADS = ", Threads.nthreads())
println("OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS = ", BLAS.get_num_threads())
const to = TimerOutput()
const Start_Time = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS")
settings = ArgParseSettings(prog="CMPO: TFIsing model"
settings = ArgParseSettings(prog="CMPO: 1D TFIsing model"
@add_arg_table! settings begin
......@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ settings = ArgParseSettings(prog="CMPO: TFIsing model"
arg_type = String
default = "/data/sliang/JuliaCMPO/TFIsing"
help = "result folder"
arg_type = String
default = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")
help = "date tag"
arg_type = Int64
default = 0
help = "processor used: 0 for CPU and 1 for GPU"
parsed_args = parse_args(settings; as_symbols=true)
......@@ -61,6 +69,9 @@ const β0 = parsed_args[:init]
const bondD = parsed_args[:bondD]
const Continue = parsed_args[:Continue]
const ResultFolder = parsed_args[:ResultFolder]
const tag = parsed_args[:tag]
const processor = Processor(parsed_args[:processor])
const wid = 1
......@@ -71,14 +82,20 @@ isdir(ModelResultFolder) || mkdir(ModelResultFolder)
model = TFIsing(J, Γ)
#trace_estimator = nothing
#trace_estimator = TraceEstimator(Full_ED, FTLMOptions(processor = processor))
trace_estimator = TraceEstimator(FullSampling_FTLM, FTLMOptions(Nk = 100, processor = processor))
trace_estimator === nothing ? estimator_name = "nothing" : estimator_name = string(trace_estimator.estimator)
if β0 == 0
ψ0 = nothing
init_path = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i_CMPS/beta_%.2f.hdf5" ModelResultFolder bondD β0
init_path = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i_CMPS_%s_%s/beta_%.2f.hdf5" ModelResultFolder bondD estimator_name tag β0
ψ0 = readCMPS(init_path)
EngFile = @sprintf "%s/Obsv_FECvS_bondD_%02i.txt" ModelResultFolder bondD
EngFile = @sprintf "%s/Obsv_FECvS_bondD_%02i_%s_%s.txt" ModelResultFolder bondD estimator_name tag
if Continue == false
open(EngFile,"w") do file
write(file, " β free_energy energy specific_heat entropy \n")
......@@ -87,10 +104,16 @@ if Continue == false
βlist = [i for i in range(bi, bf, step=bstep)]
for b = 1:length(βlist)
β = βlist[b]
@timeit to "evaluate" begin
res = evaluate(model, bondD, β, ModelResultFolder, init = ψ0)
evaluate_options = EvaluateOptions(trace_estimator=trace_estimator,
init = ψ0,
tag = tag,
processor = processor)
res = JuliaCMPO.evaluate(model, bondD, β, ModelResultFolder,
options = evaluate_options)
open(EngFile,"a") do file
......@@ -43,6 +43,14 @@ settings = ArgParseSettings(prog="CMPO code for TFIsing_2D_helical"
arg_type = String
default = "/data/sliang/JuliaCMPO/TFIsing_2D_helical_unexpanded"
help = "result folder"
arg_type = String
default = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")
help = "date tag"
arg_type = Processor
default = CPU
help = "processor used"
parsed_args = parse_args(settings; as_symbols=true)
......@@ -53,7 +61,12 @@ const width = parsed_args[:width]
const β = parsed_args[:beta]
const bondD = parsed_args[:bondD]
const max_pow_step = parsed_args[:max_pow_step]
const tag = parsed_args[:tag]
const processor = parsed_args[:processor]
Continue = parsed_args[:Continue]
if Continue max_pow_step Continue = true end
#Creat ResultFolders if there is none
const ResultFolder = parsed_args[:ResultFolder]
isdir(ResultFolder) || mkdir(ResultFolder)
......@@ -63,11 +76,17 @@ isdir(ModelResultFolder) || mkdir(ModelResultFolder)
model = TFIsing_2D_helical(J, Γ, width, expand=false)
if Continue max_pow_step Continue = true end
@timeit to "evaluate" begin
res = evaluate(model, bondD, β, ModelResultFolder,
hermitian = false,
max_pow_step = max_pow_step, Continue = Continue)
evaluate_options = EvaluateOptions(EvaluateOptions(),
init = ψ0,
hermitian = false,
max_pow_step = max_pow_step,
Continue = Continue,
tag = tag,
processor = processor)
res = JuliaCMPO.evaluate(model, bondD, β, ModelResultFolder,
options = evaluate_options)
const End_Time = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS")
......@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ settings = ArgParseSettings(prog="CMPO code for XXZ model"
arg_type = String
default = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")
help = "date tag"
arg_type = Symbol
default = :cpu
help = "device used"
arg_type = Processor
default = CPU
help = "processor used"
parsed_args = parse_args(settings; as_symbols=true)
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ const bondD = parsed_args[:bondD]
const init = parsed_args[:init]
const Continue = parsed_args[:Continue]
const tag = parsed_args[:tag]
const device = parsed_args[:device]
const processor = parsed_args[:processor]
const wid = 1
const ResultFolder = parsed_args[:ResultFolder]
......@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ isdir(ModelResultFolder) || mkdir(ModelResultFolder)
model = XXZmodel(Jz/Jxy)
#group = 2 #AFM XXZ
if β0 == 0
ψ0 = nothing
......@@ -102,15 +101,17 @@ if Continue == false
βlist = [i for i in range(bi, bf, step=bstep)]
device == :cpu ? solver = cpu_solver : solver = gpu_solver
for b = 1:length(βlist)
β = βlist[b]
@timeit to "evaluate" begin
res = evaluate(model, bondD, β, ModelResultFolder,
init = ψ0,
group = group,
solver = solver)
evaluate_options = EvaluateOptions(EvaluateOptions(),
init = ψ0,
group = group,
tag = tag,
processor = processor)
res = JuliaCMPO.evaluate(model, bondD, β, ModelResultFolder,
options = evaluate_options)
open(EngFile,"a") do file
using LinearAlgebra; BLAS.set_num_threads(Threads.nthreads())
using LinearAlgebra; BLAS.set_num_threads(8)
using TimerOutputs, Dates, ArgParse
using DelimitedFiles, HDF5, Printf
using JuliaCMPO
using JuliaCMPO, FiniteTLanczos
println("JULIA_NUM_THREADS = ", Threads.nthreads())
println("OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS = ", BLAS.get_num_threads())
const to = TimerOutput()
const Start_Time = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS")
settings = ArgParseSettings(prog="CMPO code for XXZ model"
settings = ArgParseSettings(prog="CMPO code for XXZ model")
@add_arg_table! settings begin
arg_type = Float64
......@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ settings = ArgParseSettings(prog="CMPO code for XXZ model"
arg_type = String
default = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")
help = "date tag"
arg_type = Symbol
default = :CPU
help = "device used"
arg_type = Int64
default = 0
help = "processor used: 0 for CPU and 1 for GPU"
parsed_args = parse_args(settings; as_symbols=true)
......@@ -72,9 +72,11 @@ const β = parsed_args[:beta]
const bondD = parsed_args[:bondD]
const max_pow_step = parsed_args[:max_pow_step]
const tag = parsed_args[:tag]
const device = parsed_args[:device]
const processor = Processor(parsed_args[:processor])
Continue = parsed_args[:Continue]
if Continue max_pow_step Continue = true end
#Creat ResultFolders if there is none
const ResultFolder = parsed_args[:ResultFolder]
isdir(ResultFolder) || mkdir(ResultFolder)
......@@ -85,18 +87,25 @@ isdir(ModelResultFolder) || mkdir(ModelResultFolder)
model = XXZmodel_2D_helical(Jz/Jxy, width, expand = expand)
if Continue max_pow_step Continue = true end
device == :CPU ? solver = cpu_solver : solver = gpu_solver
trace_estimator = nothing
#trace_estimator = TraceEstimator(simple_FTLM, FTLMOptions(processor = processor))
#trace_estimator = TraceEstimator(orthogonalized_FTLM, FTLMOptions(processor = processor))
trace_estimator === nothing ? estimator_name = "nothing" : estimator_name = string(trace_estimator.estimator)
@timeit to "evaluate" begin
res = evaluate(model, bondD, β, ModelResultFolder,
hermitian = false,
max_pow_step = max_pow_step,
group = group,
Continue = Continue,
tag = tag,
solver = solver)
evaluate_options = EvaluateOptions(trace_estimator = trace_estimator,
hermitian = false,
group = group,
max_pow_step = max_pow_step,
Continue = Continue,
tag = tag,
processor = processor)
res = JuliaCMPO.evaluate(model, bondD, β, ModelResultFolder,
options = evaluate_options)
const End_Time = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS")
const Running_TimeTable = string(to)
@show Start_Time
......@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ using Printf, DelimitedFiles
using Random; Random.seed!()
@enum Partitian a100 p100 v100 titanv
@enum Device CPU GPU
@enum Processor CPU GPU
submitJob: Prepare a jobfile
function submitJob(env, prog, args, jobname;
partitian::Partitian = a100,
device::Device = CPU,
processor::Processor = CPU,
gpu_memory::Int = 0,
cpu_per_task::Integer = 4,
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ function submitJob(env, prog, args, jobname;
#SBATCH --error=%s
""" partitian runtime cpu_per_task jobname log_file_path log_file_path
if device == GPU
if processor == GPU
if partitian == a100 && gpu_memory != 0
job *= """
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:A100_$(gpu_memory)G:1
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ function submitJob(env, prog, args, jobname;
if Run
run(`sbatch $(jobfile)`)
if return_id
jobid = readdlm(jobname*"_id.txt", Int64)[1]
using Printf
using Printf, Dates
phys_model = "TFIsing"
env = "/home/sliang/JuliaCode/JuliaCMPO"
prog = env * "/jobs/CMPO_$(phys_model).jl"
bi = 11.3
bf = 40.0
processor = CPU
machine = v100
gpu_memory = 80
logtag = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")*"-"*"$(processor)"
Wait = nothing
cpu_per_task = 8
tag = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")*"-"*"$(processor)"
bi = 1.0
bf = 5.0
bstep = 0.1
init = bi - bstep
Continue = true
init = 0.0
Continue = false
Jlist = [1.0]
Γlist = [1.0]
init = 11.2
bondDlist = [16]
bondDlist = [8]
logdir = "/data/sliang/log/JuliaCMPO"
logdir = "/data/sliang/JuliaCMPO/log"
isdir(logdir) || mkdir(logdir)
for J in Jlist, Γ in Γlist, bondD in bondDlist
......@@ -30,15 +38,24 @@ for J in Jlist, Γ in Γlist, bondD in bondDlist
"processor"=> Int(processor)
jobname = logdir * "/" * phys_model
isdir(jobname) || mkdir(jobname)
jobname = @sprintf "%s/J_%.2f_G_%.2f_wid_01" jobname J Γ
isdir(jobname) || mkdir(jobname)
jobname = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i" jobname bondD
jobname = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i_%s" jobname bondD logtag
isdir(jobname) || mkdir(jobname)
jobname = @sprintf "%s/bi_%.2f_bf_%.2f_bstep_%.2f" jobname bi bf bstep
timetag = Dates.format(now(), "HH-MM-SS")
jobname = @sprintf "%s/bi_%.2f_bf_%.2f_bstep_%.2f_%s" jobname bi bf bstep timetag
jobid = submitJob(env, prog, args, jobname,
Run = true)
partitian = machine,
processor = processor,
gpu_memory = gpu_memory,
cpu_per_task = cpu_per_task,
Run = true,
Wait = Wait)
......@@ -5,7 +5,16 @@ phys_model = "TFIsing_2D_helical"
env = "/home/sliang/JuliaCode/JuliaCMPO"
prog = env * "/jobs/CMPO_$(phys_model).jl"
processor = GPU
machine = a100
gpu_memory = 80
logtag = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")*"-"*"$(processor)"
Wait = nothing
cpu_per_task = 8
#tag = "2022-06-21"*"-"*processor
tag = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")*"-"*"$(processor)"
βlist = [0.1]
Jlist = [1.0]
......@@ -27,7 +36,9 @@ for bondD in bondDlist
jobname = logdir * "/" * phys_model
isdir(jobname) || mkdir(jobname)
......@@ -37,6 +48,12 @@ for bondD in bondDlist
isdir(jobname) || mkdir(jobname)
jobname = @sprintf "%s/beta_%.2f" jobname β
jobid = submitJob(env, prog, args, jobname, Run = true, Wait = Wait)
jobid = submitJob(env, prog, args, jobname,
partitian = machine,
processor = processor,
gpu_memory = gpu_memory,
cpu_per_task = cpu_per_task,
Run = true,
Wait = Wait)
......@@ -5,6 +5,17 @@ phys_model = "XXZ"
env = "/home/sliang/JuliaCode/JuliaCMPO"
prog = env * "/jobs/CMPO_$(phys_model).jl"
processor = GPU
machine = a100
gpu_memory = 80
logtag = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")*"-"*"$(processor)"
Wait = nothing
cpu_per_task = 8
#tag = "2022-06-21"*"-"*processor
tag = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")*"-"*"$(processor)"
bi = 8.5
bf = 20.0
bstep = 0.1
......@@ -29,7 +40,10 @@ for Jz in Jzlist, Jxy in Jxylist, bondD in bondDlist
"processor"=> processor
jobname = logdir * "/" * phys_model
isdir(jobname) || mkdir(jobname)
jobname = @sprintf "%s/Jz_%.2f_Jxy_%.2f_wid_01" jobname Jz Jxy
......@@ -38,5 +52,11 @@ for Jz in Jzlist, Jxy in Jxylist, bondD in bondDlist
isdir(jobname) || mkdir(jobname)
jobname = @sprintf "%s/bi_%.2f_bf_%.2f_bstep_%.2f" jobname bi bf bstep
jobid = submitJob(env, prog, args, jobname, Run = true)
jobid = submitJob(env, prog, args, jobname,
partitian = machine,
processor = processor,
gpu_memory = gpu_memory,
cpu_per_task = cpu_per_task,
Run = true,
Wait = Wait)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5,35 +5,29 @@ phys_model = "XXZ_2D_helical"
env = "/home/sliang/JuliaCode/JuliaCMPO"
prog = env * "/jobs/CMPO_$(phys_model).jl"
device = GPU
machine = a100
processor = GPU
machine = p100
gpu_memory = 80
logtag = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")*"-"*"$(device)"
logtag = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")*"-"*"$(processor)"
Wait = nothing
cpu_per_task = 8
cpu_per_task = 1
#tag = "2022-06-21"*"-"*device
tag = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")*"-"*"$(device)"
beta1 = [0.1, 0.5]
beta2 = [i for i in range(1.0, 5.0, step=1.0)]
beta3 = [i for i in range(1.1, 1.9, step=0.2)]
beta4 = [i for i in range(1.2, 1.9, step=0.2)]
#tag = "2022-06-21"*"-"*processor
tag = Dates.format(now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")*"-"*"$(processor)"
#βlist = [i for i in range(1.1, 1.5, step=0.1)]
#βlist = vcat(beta2, beta3, beta1)
βlist = [5.0]
βlist = [0.5]
Jzlist = [1.0]
Jxylist = [1.0]
bondDlist = [64]
widlist = [5]
bondDlist = [32]
widlist = [3]
Continue = 0 #Continue > max_pow_step, Continue = true
max_pow_step = 1
max_pow_step = 10
logdir = "/data/sliang/log/JuliaCMPO"
logdir = "/data/sliang/JuliaCMPO/log"
isdir(logdir) || mkdir(logdir)
for bondD in bondDlist
......@@ -46,7 +40,7 @@ for bondD in bondDlist
"device"=> device
"processor"=> Int(processor)
jobname = logdir * "/" * phys_model
isdir(jobname) || mkdir(jobname)
......@@ -54,11 +48,12 @@ for bondD in bondDlist
isdir(jobname) || mkdir(jobname)
jobname = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i_%s" jobname bondD logtag
isdir(jobname) || mkdir(jobname)
jobname = @sprintf "%s/beta_%.2f" jobname β
timetag = Dates.format(now(), "HH-MM-SS")
jobname = @sprintf "%s/beta_%.2f_%s" jobname β timetag
jobid = submitJob(env, prog, args, jobname,
partitian = machine,
device = device,
processor = processor,
gpu_memory = gpu_memory,
cpu_per_task = cpu_per_task,
Run = true,
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
function compress_cmps(ψ0::AbstractCMPS{T, S, U}, χ::Integer, β::Real;
options::CompressOptions=CompressOptions()) where {T,S,U}
options::CompressOptions=CompressOptions(trace_estimator=nothing)) where {T,S,U}
@unpack (init, show_trace, mera_update_options,
optim_options, trace_estimator, processor) = options
if show_trace
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ function compress_cmps(ψ0::AbstractCMPS{T, S, U}, χ::Integer, β::Real;
dQ = convert(Vector, diag(ψ.Q))
R = convert(Array, ψ.R)
T <: CuCMPS ? solver = gpu_solver : solver = cpu_solver
loss() = -logfidelity(solver(CMPS_generate, diagm(dQ), R), ψ0, β, trace_estimator)
p0, f, g! = optim_functions(loss, Params([dQ, R]))
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ end
Logarithm of the overlap of two CMPS:
`log_overlap = ln(⟨ψl|ψr⟩)`
function log_overlap(ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMPS, β::Real, estimator::EstimatorType)
function log_overlap(ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMPS, β::Real, trace_estimator::EstimatorType)
K = CMPSMatrix(ψl, ψr)
return logtrexp(-β, K, estimator)
return logtrexp(-β, K, trace_estimator)
#log_overlap(ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMPS, β::Real) = log_overlap(ψl, ψr, β, nothing)
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ end
Norm of a CMPS
function norm(s::AbstractCMPS, β::Real, estimator::EstimatorType)
λ = log_overlap(s, s, β, estimator)
function norm(s::AbstractCMPS, β::Real, trace_estimator::EstimatorType)
λ = log_overlap(s, s, β, trace_estimator)
return exp(λ/2)
#norm(s::AbstractCMPS, β::Real) = norm(s, β, nothing)
......@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ end
Normalize a CMPS, i.e. ⟨ψ|ψ⟩ = 1
function normalize(s::AbstractCMPS{T, S, U}, β::Real, estimator::EstimatorType) where {T,S,U}
λ = log_overlap(s, s, β, estimator)/β
function normalize(s::AbstractCMPS{T, S, U}, β::Real, trace_estimator::EstimatorType) where {T,S,U}
λ = log_overlap(s, s, β, trace_estimator)/β
eye = λ/2 * Matrix{Float64}(I,size(s.Q))
Q = s.Q - convert(S, eye)
return CMPS_generate(Q, s.R)
......@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ end
fidelity = ⟨ψ|T|r⟩/√(⟨ψ|ψ⟩)
logfidelity(ψ, ψ0) = ln(Fd)
function logfidelity(ψ::T, ψ0::T, β::Real, esitmator::EstimatorType) where T<:AbstractCMPS
return log_overlap(ψ, ψ0, β, estimator) - 0.5*log_overlap(ψ, ψ, β, estimator)
function logfidelity(ψ::T, ψ0::T, β::Real, trace_estimator::EstimatorType) where T<:AbstractCMPS
return log_overlap(ψ, ψ0, β, trace_estimator) - 0.5*log_overlap(ψ, ψ, β, trace_estimator)
#logfidelity(ψ::T, ψ0::T, β::Real) where T<:AbstractCMPS = logfidelity(ψ, ψ0, β, nothing)
function fidelity(ψ::T, ψ0::T, β::Real, estimator::EstimatorType;
function fidelity(ψ::T, ψ0::T, β::Real, trace_estimator::EstimatorType;
Normalize::Bool = false) where T<:AbstractCMPS
if Normalize
ψ = normalize(ψ, β, estimator)
ψ0 = normalize(ψ0, β, estimator)
ψ = normalize(ψ, β, trace_estimator)
ψ0 = normalize(ψ0, β, trace_estimator)
return logfidelity(ψ, ψ0, β, estimator) |> exp
return logfidelity(ψ, ψ0, β, trace_estimator) |> exp
#fidelity(ψ::T, ψ0::T, β::Real; Normalize::Bool = false) where T<:AbstractCMPS =
# fidelity(ψ, ψ0, β, nothing; Normalize = Normalize)
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ export MeraUpdateOptions,
export CompressOptions, CompressResult
#export update_processor
......@@ -109,7 +110,8 @@ include("./PhysicalQuantities/Correlations.jl")
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ end
function adaptive_mera_update(ψ0::AbstractCMPS, χ::Integer, β::Real;
options::MeraUpdateOptions = MeraUpdateOptions())
options::MeraUpdateOptions = MeraUpdateOptions(trace_estimator=nothing))
@unpack (atol, ldiff_tol, maxiter, interpolate,
store_trace, show_trace, trace_estimator) = options
step = 1
......@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ function adaptive_mera_update(ψ0::AbstractCMPS, χ::Integer, β::Real;
logfidelity0 = 9.9e9
loss(p_matrix) = logfidelity(project(ψ0, p_matrix), ψ0, β, trace_estimator)
_, v = eigensolver(ψ0.Q |> symmetrize)
Q = symmetrize(ψ0.Q)
_, v = eigensolver(Q)
p_current = v[:, end-χ+1:end]
loss_previous = 9.9e9
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ veclength(x) = length(x)
Base.zeros(grads::Zygote.Grads) = zeros(veclength(grads))
Base.zeros(pars::Zygote.Params) = zeros(veclength(pars))
optim_function(loss, pars): Return two functions(loss function, gradient function)
and p0, a vectorized version of pars.
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
function correlation_2time(τ::Number, A::AbstractMatrix,B::AbstractMatrix,
ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMPS, W::AbstractCMPO, β::Real)
K = ψl * W * ψr
e, v = symeigen(K)
K = symmetrize(K)
e, v = eigensolver(K)
min = minimum(e); e = e .- min
A = v' * A * v
B = v' * B * v
#module PhysicalModels
Data structure of a physical model
Data structure of a physical model
`Tmatrix`: local transfer matrix
`phy_dim`: bond dimension of physical legs
......@@ -9,21 +9,22 @@
Note that in general, `Ut` not necessarily be unitary, but be invertible,
however, in the limiting cases we know right now, they are unitary.
struct PhysModel{T<:AbstractCMPO}
@with_kw struct PhysModel{Tm<:AbstractCMPO,
Tu<:Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}}
Ut::Union{AbstractMatrix, Nothing}
Ising type CMPO: H = -J ôl ôr block
function Ising_CMPO(J::Real, ol::AbstractArray, or::AbstractArray, wid::Integer = 1)
function Ising_CMPO(J::Real, ol::AbstractArray{T}, or::AbstractArray{T}, wid::Integer = 1) where {T}
sgn = sign(J); val =(abs(J))
o2 = zeros(2, 2)
i2 = Matrix{Float64}(I, 2, 2)
i2 = Matrix{T}(I, 2, 2)
#construct L and R
ol = val * ol; or = sgn * val * or
L = ol; R = or
......@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ function Ising_CMPO(J::Real, ol::AbstractArray, or::AbstractArray, wid::Integer
i == 1 ? P = pcol : P = cat(P, pcol, dims = 4)
return CMPO(zeros(2,2), R, L, P)
return CMPO(zeros(T,2,2), R, L, P)
......@@ -61,18 +62,18 @@ end
Expand cmpo
function expand_cmpo(o::CMPO)
function expand_cmpo(o::AbstractCMPO{T,S,U,V}) where {T,S,U,V}
R = (0.5) * cat(o.R, o.L, dims = 3)
L = (0.5) * cat(o.L, o.R, dims = 3)
if length(size(o.P)) == 2
oP = reshape(o.P, size(o.P)[1], size(o.P)[2], 1, 1)
if V <: AbstractMatrix
oP = reshape(o.P, size(o.P,1), size(o.P,2), 1, 1)
oP = o.P
pl = cat(oP, zeros(size(oP)), dims = 3)
pr = cat(zeros(size(oP)), ein"ijkl->ijlk"(oP), dims = 3)
pr = cat(zeros(T,size(oP)), ein"ijkl->ijlk"(oP), dims = 3)
P = cat(pl, pr, dims = 4)
return CMPO(o.Q, R, L, P)
......@@ -82,17 +83,19 @@ end
cat CMPO blocks
function cat(o1::CMPO, o2::CMPO)
pd = size(o1.Q)[1]
length(size(o1.P)) == 2 ? vd1 = 1 : vd1 = size(o1.P)[3]
length(size(o2.P)) == 2 ? vd2 = 1 : vd2 = size(o2.P)[3]
function cat(o1::AbstractCMPO{T,S1,U1,V1},
) where {T,S1,U1,V1, S2,U2,V2}
pd = size(o1.Q,1)
V1<:AbstractMatrix ? vd1 = 1 : vd1 = size(o1.P,3)
V2<:AbstractMatrix ? vd2 = 1 : vd2 = size(o2.P,3)
Q = zeros(pd, pd)
Q = zeros(T, pd, pd)
R = cat(o1.R, o2.R, dims = 3)
L = cat(o1.L, o2.L, dims = 3)
pl = cat(o1.P, zeros(pd, pd, vd2, vd1), dims = 3)
pr = cat(zeros(pd, pd, vd1, vd2), o2.P, dims = 3)
pl = cat(o1.P, zeros(T, pd, pd, vd2, vd1), dims = 3)
pr = cat(zeros(T, pd, pd, vd1, vd2), o2.P, dims = 3)
P = cat(pl, pr, dims = 4)
return CMPO(Q, R, L, P)
......@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ function XYmodel()
Q = zeros(2, 2)
P = zeros(2, 2, 2, 2)
Tmatrix = CMPO(Q,R,L,P)
Ut = Matrix(1.0I, 2, 2)
Ut = Matrix{Float64}(I, 2, 2)
return PhysModel(Tmatrix, 2, 2, Ut)
......@@ -171,7 +174,7 @@ function XXZmodel(Δ::Real)
Q = zeros(2, 2)
P = zeros(2, 2, 3, 3)
Tmatrix = CMPO(Q,R,L,P)
Ut = Matrix(1.0I, 3, 3)
Ut = Matrix{Float64}(I, 3, 3)
return PhysModel(Tmatrix, 2, 3, Ut)
......@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
make operator ⊢o⊣
function make_operator(Op::AbstractMatrix{T}, dim::Int64) where T
function make_operator(Op::AbstractMatrix{T}, dim::Int64) where {T}
eye = Matrix{T}(I, dim, dim)
return eye Op eye
function make_operator(Op::AbstractMatrix{T}, ψ::AbstractCMPS) where T
function make_operator(Op::AbstractMatrix{T}, ψ::AbstractCMPS{T,S,U}) where {T,S,U}
eye = Matrix{T}(I, size(ψ.Q))
return eye Op eye
......@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ end
The thermal average of local opeartors ⊢o⊣ with respect to K = ψl * W * ψr
function thermal_average(Op::AbstractMatrix, ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMPS, W::AbstractCMPO, β::Real)
K = ψl * W * ψr
K = ψl * W * ψr |> Matrix |> symmetrize
e, v = eigensolver(K)
e = -β*e
m = maximum(e); e = e .- m
......@@ -34,7 +35,8 @@ thermal_average(Op::AbstractMatrix, ψ::AbstractCMPS, W::AbstractCMPO, β::Real)
The thermal average of local opeartors ⊢o⊣ with respect to K = ψ * ψ
function thermal_average(Op::AbstractMatrix, ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMPS, β::Real)
K = ψl * ψr
K = ψl * ψr |> Matrix |> symmetrize
e, v = eigensolver(K)
e = -β*e
m = maximum(e) ; e = e .- m
......@@ -43,25 +45,27 @@ function thermal_average(Op::AbstractMatrix, ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMP
num = exp.(e) .* diag(Op) |> sum
return num/den
thermal_average(Op::AbstractMatrix, ψ::AbstractCMPS, β::Real) =thermal_average(Op, ψ, ψ, β)
thermal_average(Op::AbstractMatrix, ψ::AbstractCMPS, β::Real) = thermal_average(Op, ψ, ψ, β)
Free energy: F = -1/(βL) lnZ
function free_energy(ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMPS, W::AbstractCMPO, β::Real)
res = log_overlap(ψl, W * ψr, β) - log_overlap(ψl, ψr, β)
function free_energy(ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMPS,
W::AbstractCMPO, β::Real, trace_estimator::EstimatorType = nothing)
res = log_overlap(ψl, W * ψr, β, trace_estimator) - log_overlap(ψl, ψr, β, trace_estimator)
return -res/β
free_energy(ψ::AbstractCMPS, W::AbstractCMPO, β::Real) = free_energy(ψ, ψ, W, β)
free_energy(ψ::AbstractCMPS, W::AbstractCMPO, β::Real, trace_estimator::EstimatorType = nothing) =
free_energy(ψ, ψ, W, β, trace_estimator)
Energy density: E = -∂lnZ/∂β
function energy(ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMPS, W::AbstractCMPO, β::Real)
K = ψl * W * ψr
H = ψl * ψr
K = ψl * W * ψr |> Matrix |> symmetrize
H = ψl * ψr |> Matrix |> symmetrize
res = thermal_average(K, ψl, ψr, W, β) - thermal_average(H, ψl, ψr, β)
return res
......@@ -74,8 +78,8 @@ energy(ψ::AbstractCMPS, W::AbstractCMPO, β::Real) = energy(ψ, ψ, W, β)
function specific_heat(ψl::AbstractCMPS, ψr::AbstractCMPS, W::AbstractCMPO, β::Real;
method::Symbol = :adiff)
if method == :adiff
K = ψl * W * ψr
H = ψl * ψr
K = ψl * W * ψr |> Matrix |> symmetrize
H = ψl * ψr |> Matrix |> symmetrize
K2 = K * K
H2 = H * H
c = thermal_average(K2, ψl, ψr, W, β) - thermal_average(K, ψl, ψr, W, β)^2
@reexport import KrylovKit.eigsolve
import LinearAlgebra.Eigen
function eigensolver(M::CMPSMatrix{Ts,T,S,U};
ishermitian = true,
kwargs...) where {Ts,T,S,U}
N = size(M,1)
Ts <: CMPS ? x0 = rand(T,N) : x0 = CUDA.rand(T, N)
vals, vecs, _ = eigsolve(M, x0, N, which, ishermitian = ishermitian, krylovdim = N, kwargs...)
vals = convert(typeof(x0), vals)
vecs = hcat(vecs[1:N]...)
return Eigen(vals, vecs)
function eigensolver(M::CMPSMatrix{Ts,T,S,U}) where {Ts,T,S,U}
res = Matrix(M) |> symmetrize
return eigensolver(res)
#function eigsolve(M::CMPSMatrix{Ts,T,S,U}, x0, howmany, which; args...) where {Ts,T,S,U}
# Ts <: CMPS ? x0 = rand(size(M,1)) : x0 = CUDA.rand(size(M,1))
# return eigsolve(M, x0, howmany, which, T, ishermitian = true, args...)
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -19,22 +19,18 @@ end
Evaluate PhysModel m when its transfer matrix is hermitian
function hermitian_evaluate(m::PhysModel, bondD::Integer, β::Real, ResultFolder::String;
@unpack (init, processor, trace_estimator,
compress_options, optim_options, tag) = options
if trace_estimator !== nothing
new_options = FTLMOptions(trace_estimator.options, processor=processor)
trace_estimator = TraceEstimator(trace_estimator.estimator, new_options)
compress_options = CompressOptions(compress_options, trace_estimator = trace_estimator)
compress_options, optim_options, tag, show_trace) = options
solver = solver_function(processor)
ResultFolder: classified by Model parameters(interaction, width), store CMPS and Obsv files
CMPSResultFolder: CMPS information, classified by bond dimension
CMPSResultFolder = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i_CMPS_%s" ResultFolder bondD tag
OptResultFolder = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i_Opt_%s" ResultFolder bondD tag
trace_estimator === nothing ? estimator_name = "nothing" : estimator_name = string(trace_estimator.estimator)
CMPSResultFolder = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i_CMPS_%s_%s" ResultFolder bondD estimator_name tag
OptResultFolder = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i_Opt_%s_%s" ResultFolder bondD estimator_name tag
isdir(ResultFolder) || mkdir(ResultFolder)
isdir(CMPSResultFolder) || mkdir(CMPSResultFolder)
isdir(OptResultFolder) || mkdir(OptResultFolder)
......@@ -49,10 +45,10 @@ function hermitian_evaluate(m::PhysModel, bondD::Integer, β::Real, ResultFolder
dQ = convert(Vector, diag(ψ.Q))
R = convert(Array, ψ.R)
loss() = free_energy(solver(CMPS_generate, diagm(dQ), R), Tm, β)
loss() = free_energy(solver(CMPS_generate, diagm(dQ), R), Tm, β, trace_estimator)
F_initial = loss()
p0, f, g! = optim_functions(loss, Params([dQ, R]))
p0, f, g! = optim_functions(loss, Zygote.Params([dQ, R]))
optim_result = Optim.optimize(f, g!, p0, LBFGS(), optim_options)
F_final = minimum(optim_result)
......@@ -86,14 +82,9 @@ end
function non_hermitian_evaluate(m::PhysModel, bondD::Integer, β::Real, ResultFolder::String;
@unpack (init, solver, trace_estimator,
@unpack (init, processor, trace_estimator,
compress_options, optim_options,
Continue, max_pow_step, group, tag) = options
if trace_estimator !== nothing
new_options = FTLMOptions(trace_estimator.options, processor=processor)
trace_estimator = TraceEstimator(trace_estimator.estimator, new_options)
compress_options = CompressOptions(compress_options, trace_estimator = trace_estimator)
Continue, max_pow_step, group, tag, show_trace) = options
solver = solver_function(processor)
......@@ -108,7 +99,8 @@ function non_hermitian_evaluate(m::PhysModel, bondD::Integer, β::Real, ResultFo
CMPSResultFolder = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i_CMPS_%s" ResultFolder bondD tag
trace_estimator === nothing ? estimator_name = "nothing" : estimator_name = string(trace_estimator.estimator)
CMPSResultFolder = @sprintf "%s/bondD_%02i_CMPS_%s_%s" ResultFolder bondD estimator_name tag
ChkpFolder = @sprintf "%s/CheckPoint_beta_%.2f" CMPSResultFolder β
ChkpPsiFolder = @sprintf "%s/cmps_psi" ChkpFolder
ChkpLpsiFolder = @sprintf "%s/cmps_Lpsi" ChkpFolder
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function logtrexp(t::Real, M, trace_estimator::TraceEstimator)
@unpack processor = options
processor == CPU ? x0 = rand(size(M,1)) : x0 = CUDA.rand(Float64, size(M,1))
e0, _, _ = eigsolve(M, x0, 1, which, ishermitian = true)
e1 = e0[1]
e1 = e0[1] #typeof(e0) = Vector{Float64}
expr = e -> exp(t * (e - e1))
options = FTLMOptions(options, which = which)