Advanced Computing Platform for Theoretical Physics

Commit c33f3db2 authored by Lei Wang's avatar Lei Wang
Browse files

added hotrg

parent 392d7d2e
import torch
def gauge(M, Dcut, side):
if side=='l':
D2 = M.shape[0]
M = M.view(D2, -1)
elif side=='r':
D2 = M.shape[3]
M = M.permute(3,0,1,2).view(D2, -1)
M2 = M@M.t()
w, v = torch.symeig(M2, eigenvectors=True)
Dnew = min(D2, Dcut)
truncation = w[-Dnew:].sum() / w.sum()
v = v[:,-Dnew:].view(D2, Dnew)
return v, truncation
def hotrg(T, D, Dcut, no_iter):
lnZ = 0.0
truncation_error = 0.0
for n in range(no_iter):
f = torch.norm(T)
lnZ += 2**(no_iter-n)*torch.log(f)
T = T / f
#contract up-down
Dh, Dv = T.shape[0], T.shape[1] # horizontal and vertical bond dimension of the tensor
M = torch.einsum('ludr,adcb->luracb', (T, T)).permute(0,3, 1, 4, 2,5).contiguous()
M = M.view(Dh**2, Dv, Dv, Dh**2)
vl, el = gauge(M, Dcut,'l')
vr, er = gauge(M, Dcut,'r')
U = vl if (el < er) else vr
truncation_error += min(el, er)
T = torch.einsum('li,ludr,rj->iudj', (U, M, U))
#rotate tensor
T = T.permute(1, 3, 0, 2).contiguous()
trace = 0.0
for x in range(T.shape[0]):
for y in range(T.shape[1]):
trace += T[x, y, x, y]
lnZ += torch.log(trace)
return lnZ, truncation_error
if __name__=='__main__':
K = torch.tensor([0.44])
Dcut = 10
n = 30
#Boltzmann factor on a bond M=LR^T
M = torch.stack([[torch.exp(K), torch.exp(-K)]),[torch.exp(-K), torch.exp(K)])
U, S, V = torch.svd(M)
L = U*torch.sqrt(S)
R = V*torch.sqrt(S)
# L
# |
# T = R^{T}-o-L
# |
# R^{T}
T = torch.einsum('ai,aj,ak,al->ijkl', (L, L, R, R))
lnZ, _ = hotrg(T, 2, Dcut, n)
print (lnZ.item()/2**n)
import torch
def levin_nave_trg(T, D, Dcut, no_iter, device='cpu'):
def levin_nave_trg(T, D, Dcut, no_iter):
lnZ = 0.0
truncation_error = 0.0
......@@ -37,4 +37,25 @@ def levin_nave_trg(T, D, Dcut, no_iter, device='cpu'):
return lnZ, truncation_error
if __name__=='__main__':
K = torch.tensor([0.44])
Dcut = 20
n = 20
#Boltzmann factor on a bond M=LR^T
M = torch.stack([[torch.exp(K), torch.exp(-K)]),[torch.exp(-K), torch.exp(K)])
U, S, V = torch.svd(M)
L = U*torch.sqrt(S)
R = V*torch.sqrt(S)
# L
# |
# T = R^{T}-o-L
# |
# R^{T}
T = torch.einsum('ai,aj,ak,al->ijkl', (L, L, R, R))
lnZ, _ = levin_nave_trg(T, 2, Dcut, n)
print (lnZ.item()/2**n)
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