Advanced Computing Platform for Theoretical Physics

Commit 1e57e6e1 authored by mikeaclark's avatar mikeaclark
Browse files

Cleaned up gauge_quda.cpp

git-svn-id: be54200a-260c-0410-bdd7-ce6af2a381ab
parent 72aac654
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include <gauge_quda.h>
// What test are we doing (0 = dslash, 1 = MatPC, 2 = Mat)
int test_type = 2;
int test_type = 1;
QudaGaugeParam gaugeParam;
QudaInvertParam inv_param;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -104,28 +104,6 @@ void freeSpinorBuffer() {
packedSpinor1 = NULL;
inline void packDouble2(double2* a, double *b) {
a->x = b[0]; a->y = b[1];
inline void unpackDouble2(double *a, double2 *b) {
a[0] = b->x; a[1] = b->y;
inline void packFloat4(float4* a, float *b) {
__m128 SSEtmp;
SSEtmp = _mm_loadu_ps((const float*)b);
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)a, SSEtmp);
//a->x = b[0]; a->y = b[1]; a->z = b[2]; a->w = b[3];
inline void unpackFloat4(float *a, float4 *b) {
__m128 SSEtmp;
SSEtmp = _mm_load_ps((const float*)b);
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)a, SSEtmp);
//a[0] = b->x; a[1] = b->y; a[2] = b->z; a[3] = b->w;
template <typename Float>
inline void packSpinorVector(float4* a, Float *b) {
Float K = 1.0 / 2.0;
......@@ -134,11 +112,11 @@ inline void packSpinorVector(float4* a, Float *b) {
a[0*Nh].y = K*(b[1*6+0*2+1]+b[3*6+0*2+1]);
a[0*Nh].z = K*(b[1*6+1*2+0]+b[3*6+1*2+0]);
a[0*Nh].w = K*(b[1*6+1*2+1]+b[3*6+1*2+1]);
a[1*Nh].x = K*(b[1*6+2*2+0]+b[3*6+2*2+0]);
a[1*Nh].y = K*(b[1*6+2*2+1]+b[3*6+2*2+1]);
a[1*Nh].z = -K*(b[0*6+0*2+0]+b[2*6+0*2+0]);
a[1*Nh].w = -K*(b[0*6+0*2+1]+b[2*6+0*2+1]);
a[1*Nh].z = -K*(b[2*6+0*2+0]+b[0*6+0*2+0]);
a[1*Nh].w = -K*(b[2*6+0*2+1]+b[0*6+0*2+1]);
a[2*Nh].x = -K*(b[0*6+1*2+0]+b[2*6+1*2+0]);
a[2*Nh].y = -K*(b[0*6+1*2+1]+b[2*6+1*2+1]);
......@@ -159,7 +137,6 @@ inline void packSpinorVector(float4* a, Float *b) {
a[5*Nh].y = K*(b[2*6+1*2+1]-b[0*6+1*2+1]);
a[5*Nh].z = K*(b[2*6+2*2+0]-b[0*6+2*2+0]);
a[5*Nh].w = K*(b[2*6+2*2+1]-b[0*6+2*2+1]);
template <typename Float>
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