Advanced Computing Platform for Theoretical Physics

Commit 24b38683 authored by rbabich's avatar rbabich
Browse files

more optimization of quda indexing

git-svn-id: be54200a-260c-0410-bdd7-ce6af2a381ab
parent 9ec42cb3
......@@ -299,16 +299,15 @@ volatile spinorFloat o32_im;
#include "io_spinor.h"
int sid = BLOCK_DIM*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
int boundaryCrossings = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(sid,X1h) +
int X = 2*sid + ((boundaryCrossings + oddBit)&1);
int z1 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(X, X1);
int x1 = X - z1*X1;
int z1 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(sid, X1h);
int x1h = sid - z1*X1h;
int z2 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(z1, X2);
int x2 = z1 - z2*X2;
int x4 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(z2, X3);
int x3 = z2 - x4*X3;
int x1odd = (x2 + x3 + x4 + oddBit) & 1;
int x1 = 2*x1h + x1odd;
int X = 2*sid + x1odd;
o00_re = o00_im = 0;
o01_re = o01_im = 0;
......@@ -248,16 +248,15 @@ def prolog():
#include "io_spinor.h"
int sid = BLOCK_DIM*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
int boundaryCrossings = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(sid,X1h) +
int X = 2*sid + ((boundaryCrossings + oddBit)&1);
int z1 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(X, X1);
int x1 = X - z1*X1;
int z1 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(sid, X1h);
int x1h = sid - z1*X1h;
int z2 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(z1, X2);
int x2 = z1 - z2*X2;
int x4 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(z2, X3);
int x3 = z2 - x4*X3;
int x1odd = (x2 + x3 + x4 + oddBit) & 1;
int x1 = 2*x1h + x1odd;
int X = 2*sid + x1odd;
......@@ -585,7 +584,7 @@ def generate():
return prolog() + gen(0) + gen(1) + gen(2) + gen(3) + gen(4) + gen(5) + gen(6) + gen(7) + clover() + epilog()
dagger = False
dagger = True
#dagger = True
sharedFloats = 0
print generate()
......@@ -299,16 +299,15 @@ volatile spinorFloat o32_im;
#include "io_spinor.h"
int sid = BLOCK_DIM*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
int boundaryCrossings = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(sid,X1h) +
int X = 2*sid + ((boundaryCrossings + oddBit)&1);
int z1 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(X, X1);
int x1 = X - z1*X1;
int z1 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(sid, X1h);
int x1h = sid - z1*X1h;
int z2 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(z1, X2);
int x2 = z1 - z2*X2;
int x4 = FAST_INT_DIVIDE(z2, X3);
int x3 = z2 - x4*X3;
int x1odd = (x2 + x3 + x4 + oddBit) & 1;
int x1 = 2*x1h + x1odd;
int X = 2*sid + x1odd;
o00_re = o00_im = 0;
o01_re = o01_im = 0;
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